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The Inextricable Destiny

 He Jiu Ling (Tune Yi Ren) is the difficulty cherishing, wicked eighteen-year-old little girl of a strong and exceptionally regarded general. She has gone through her time on earth concentrating on combative techniques and has an affection for everything solid. So she is stunned - sickened, even - when her family consents to wed her off to Rong Yu (Wang You Shuo), the main successor to the Jialin Public Crystal gazing Lobby.

Rong Yu is all that He Jiu Ling isn't: He is delicate, caring, delicately spoken, exceptionally taught, and scholarly - and avoids a wide range of actual clash. Startled that she needs to wed such a weakling, He Jiu Ling plots to undermine the marriage before the wedding happens. However, her arrangements blowback when a "poison" she attempts to use to twist his brain makes an exceptionally inappropriate difference. Will this far-fetched couple seal the deal - and could a startling sentiment blossom regardless of all the turmoil?

"The Inseparable Predetermination" is a 2023 Chinese show series that was coordinated by Li Xiao Jiang.

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The Inextricable Destiny

 He Jiu Ling ( Tune Yi Ren ) is the difficulty cherishing, wicked eighteen-year-old little girl of a strong and exceptionally regarded gener...