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Mirror: A Tale of Twin Cities


In a world populated by strong divine beings and fighting humans, two captivated creatures meet in a harmony filled domain: They are Su Mo (Li Yi Feng), a ruler of ocean divine beings, and Bai Ying (Chen Yu Qi), a princess and relative of a powerful blade god. They are quickly drawn to each other and start on a sentiment, ignorant that they are successfully crossing adversary lines and igniting ill will between two fighting groups. Their activities outrage different gods and Su Mo is ultimately removed from the domain. Despondent, Bai Ying endeavors to put her reality to an end by hopping from a sublime pagoda.Mirror: A Tale of Twin Cities is a Chinese drama.

In any case, three gracious female gods in Mirror: A Tale of Twin Cities intercede to save her from a horrible destiny, in spite of the fact that she falls into a sleep that goes on for quite a long time, leaving her dad crushed. She in the long run arises, however under a shiny new appearance. At the point when Su Mo turns into the ocean ruler, he goes looking for his adoration - yet furious fights are seething in different domains, putting the eventual fate of both the ocean world and the blade people at horrible danger. Would they be able to save their individual universes - and can adore unite them again?

This dramatization of Mirror: A Tale of Twin Cities depended on a hit novel by the creator Cang Yue.

"Reflect: A Tale of Twin Cities" is a 2022 Chinese dramatization series that was coordinated by Patrick Yau.

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