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Lost You Forever S1

 In a domain contained three realms, Sheng Nong, Xuan Yuan, and Gao Xing, Jiu Yao (Yang Zi) experienced childhood in the Royal court, a princess who enjoyed safety and security. Her experience growing up closest companion was her cousin, the Xuan Yuan Ruler Qiang Xuan (Zhang Wang Yi). As small kids, the couple would dream about getting hitched and spending their entire coexistences. Be that as it may, destiny has different designs for Jiu Yao. Subsequent to encountering no deficiency of difficulties and troubles, Jiu Yao ends up completely denied of her character and her regal past. 

She at last winds up in a town named Qing Shui, where she acts like a man and attempts to earn enough to pay the bills by selling questionable fix all cures. However, Qiang Xuan has not surrendered his experience growing up fantasies about wedding Jiu Yao, and has been attempting to see as her.

In Qing Shui, Jiu Yao saves a man named Tu Shan Jing (Deng Wei) - a future group pioneer. Tu Shan Jing starts to succumb to Jiu Yao, and she likewise creates affections for him. Be that as it may, things are going to get exceptionally confounded for her, as she likewise meets a white-haired nine-headed evil spirit in human structure named Xiang Liu (Tan Jian Ci). This evil presence is to some degree harsh and fretful with her, yet in addition appears to be peculiarly attracted to her. In the interim, Qiang Xuan has at long last figured out how to find Jiu Yao. Does adore - or misfortune - anticipate this lost princess?

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